When you are looking at recipes on the screen and/or the printed page, it is vital to be able to control how each part of the recipe is shown relative to one another appropriate to the viewing medium. But it’s difficult or impossible to define a fixed format because the amount of space required for each part of the recipe can vary wildly. The Ingredient List, for example, can contain a few ingredients or dozens. What is needed is a way of showing recipes that can respond to the special demands of each recipe yet gives you, the user, control wherever possible. Using Mangia!’s pop-up Layout menu or by choosing Select Layout under the Recipe Card menu you can pick from a variety of preset layouts. Or, you may also use the full-featued layout editor accessed by choosing Modify Layout... under the Recipe Card menu and determine the font, size, justification, visibility, and relative placement on the page of each part of a recipe independently. For greatest efficiency, however, ultimately Mangia! keeps control over how much space each part of the recipe actually gets, flexing the area for each part just enough to efficiently to enclose its information. For more info, look into Editing Recipe Layouts.